컴퓨터 과학/C Language

2022-01-26 구조체 할당

계란💕 2022. 1. 27. 00:09

구조체 할당 


학생 정보 

/* 1��
#include <stdio.h>

struct Student
    char mName[20];
    char mPhoneNumber[20];
    int mStudentNumber;

    void ShowInfo(void)
        printf("name: %s\n", mName);
        printf("phone number: %s\n", mPhoneNumber);
        printf("student number: %d\n", mStudentNumber);


typedef struct Student Student_t;

int main(void)
    Student_t kimlan = {};
    Student_t* pKimlan = &kimlan;

    printf("��� �л� �̸�: ");
    scanf("%s", (*pKimlan).mName);
    printf("��� �л� ���ѹ�: ");
    scanf("%s", pKimlan->mPhoneNumber);
    printf("��� �й�: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pKimlan->mStudentNumber) );


    Student_t park = {};
    Student_t* pPark = &park;

    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �л� �̸�: ");
    scanf("%s\n", (*pPark).mName);
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �л� ���ѹ�: ");
    scanf("%s\n", pPark->mPhoneNumber);
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �й�: ");
    scanf("%d\n", &(pPark->mStudentNumber) );


    return 0;
/* ���� 2 ���� / student t  ??????
#include <stdio.h>

struct student
    char mName[20];
    int mKor;
    int mMath;
    int mSci;

    void ShowInfo(void)
        printf("name: %s\n ", mName );
        printf("korean: %d\n ", mKor );
        printf("math: %d\n ", mMath );
        printf("science: %d\n ", mSci );


    int sum(void)
        return mKor + mMath + mSci;
    float avg(void)
        return (float)sum() / 3;

typedef struct Student Student_t;

int main(void)
    Student_t kimlan = {};
    Student_t* pKimlan  = &kimlan;

    printf("��� �л� �̸�: ");
    scanf("%s", pKimlan->mName);
    printf("��� ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pKimlan->mKor) );
    printf("��� ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pKimlan->mMath));
    printf("��� ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pKimlan->mSci));

    printf("sum: %d\n", pKimlan->sum() );
    printf("avg: %.2f\n\n\n", pKimlan->avg() );

    Student_t park = {};
    Student_t* pPark  = &park;

    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �л� �̸�: ");
    scanf("%s", pPark->mName);
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pPark->mKor) );
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pPark->mMath));
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pPark->mSci));

    printf("sum: %d\n", pPark->sum() );
    printf("avg: %.2f\n\n\n",pPark->avg() );

    return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
    int* pInteger = NULL;
    size_t =  uSize;
    scanf("%zu", &uSize);

    //���� �޸� �Ҵ� �Լ� �ñ״���
    //void* malloc(size_t size);
    //���� �޸� ���� �Լ� �ñ״�ó
    //void free(void* pMellodyBlock);

    //1. �޸� �Ҵ� �Լ� mlloc()�� ���� ���ϴ� �޸� ũ�⸦ ���ڰ����� ����
    //    1-1. ��ȯ�� void*�� ���� ���ϴ� ������ �ڷ������� type casting.
    //    1-2. �˸��� ������ �ڷ����� ������ ����.
    //2. �޸����� �Լ� free()�� �����Ҵ�� �޸��� �����ּҸ� ���ڰ����� ����
    //    2-1. �̿��� ����� �����ϱ� ���� �޸� ������ ���� �ּҿ� NULL�� ����

    pInteger = (int*)malloc( sizeof(int*) * uSize );

    if( pInteger != NULL )
       // "���� �ʿ���" �޸� ũ�⸸ŭ �����Ҵ�� �޸��� ���� �ּ� pInteger�� Ȱ��
    pInteger = NULL;

    return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int* pInteger = NULL;
    size_t uSize;
    printf("How  many memories do you want?");
    scanf("%zu", &uSize);
    pInteger = (int*)malloc( sizeof(int*)* uSize ) ;

    if( pInteger != NULL)
        printf("success to memory allocation. please input data\n");
        for( size_t i = 0; i < uSize; ++i)
            //scanf("%d", *(pInteger + i) );
            //pinteger + i ��� ���� ������ �� ������ ��� �迭�� ������ ������ ������,
            //�ٸ�, �迭�� ������ �޸� ����. ��, ���α׷��� ������� �츮�ų� ���� �� ����.
            //���� �޸� ������ �����ּ��� pinteger�� ���α׷��� ������� �츮�ų�malloc(), Ȥ�� ���� �� ���� (free())
        printf("print data\n");
        for( size_t i = 0; i < uSize; ++i )
            printf("%d", *(pInteger + i) );
    pInteger = NULL;

    return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct Human
    char mName[20];
    int mAge;
    double mHeight;
    double mWeight;

    void ShowInfo(void)
        printf("name: %s\n", mName );
        printf("age: %d\n", mAge );
        printf("height: %.2lfcm", mHeight );
        printf("weight: %.2lfkg", mWeight );


    double GetBMI(void)
        double heightInMeter = mHeight / 100;
        double bmi = mWeight / ( heightInMeter * heightInMeter );
        return bmi;

}; typedef struct Human Human_t;

int main()
    Human_t* pHumans = NULL; // == Human_t pHumans[uSize];
    size_t uSize;
    printf("How many people do you want? ");
    scanf("%zu", &uSize );
    pHumans = (Human_t*)malloc( sizeof(Human_t*) * uSize);

    if( NULL != pHumans )
        printf("Success to memory allocation. Please input data\n");

        for(size_t i = 0;i < uSize; ++i )
            scanf("%s", (pHumans + i)->mName );
            scanf("%d", &(pHumans + i)->mAge );
            scanf("%lf", &(pHumans + i)->mHeight );
            scanf("%lf", &(pHumans + i)->mWeight );
        printf("\n\nPrint data.\n");
        for( size_t i = 0; i < uSize; ++i)
            (pHumans + i)->ShowInfo();
            printf("\tbmi: %.2lf\n" , (pHumans + i)->GetBMI());
    pHumans = NULL;

    return 0;

��ü���� ���α׷��� (object oriented programming)
    ����ü (structure ) -> Ŭ���� (class)
    Def)  ��ü�� û����, ����, DNA ���� ����
    Note) ����ü�� ���� ���� -> Ŭ������ ���(Member)
                            ��ü�� �Ӽ�/����
          ����ü�� �Լ�     -> Ŭ������ �޼��� (Method or ����Լ� )
                             ��ü�� ����/�ൿ
    ����ü�� ���� �Ҵ�(malloc()) -> Ŭ������ ������(Constructor))
    ����ü�� �޸� ����(free()) - > Ŭ������ �Ҹ���(Destructor)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

class Human
public: //���� ������

    char mName[20];
    int mAge;
    double mHeight;
    double mWeight;

    // ������ �� �޸� �����Ҵ��� ���ش�,
    Human( char* name, int age, double height, double weight )
        strcpy( mName , name );
        mAge = age;
        mHeight = height;
        nWeight = weight;

     // �Ҹ��� �� �޸��Ҵ��� �������ش�
        strcpy( mName, "\0\0" );
        mAge = 0;
        mHeight = 0;
        mWeight = 0;
    void ShowInfo()
        printf("name: %s\n", mName );
        printf("age: %d\n", mAge );
        printf("height: %.2lf\n", mHeight );
        printf("weight: %.2lf\n", mWeight );

    double GetBMI(void)
        double heightInMeter = mHeight / 100;
        double bmi = mWeight /  ( heightInMeter * heightInMeter );
        return bmi;

int main()
    Human kimlan = ("Kimlan\0" , 28, 150.0, 80.0 ); // ~= kimlan = malloc();
    // kimlan�� humanŬ������ ��ü

    kimlan.ShowInfo(); // Human Ŭ������ ��ü kimlan �� �޼��� ShowInfo() ȣ��
    printf("bmi: %.2lf", kimlan.GetBMI()); // Human Ŭ������ ��ü kimlan�� �޼��� GetBMI() ȣ��.
    return 0; // main () �� ����
                // - > main()�� �������� �Ҹ�
                // - > �������� kimlan �� �Ҹ�
                // -> "�ڵ�����" �Ҹ��ڰ� ȣ���. ~= free(kimlan)

/*2�� ���� 1
//  ============================================================

#include <stdio.h>

struct Student
    char mName[20];
    char mPhoneNumber[20];
    int  mStudentNumber;

    void ShowInfo()
        printf("name: %s\n", mName );
        printf("phonenumber: %s\n", mPhoneNumber );
        printf("studentnumber: %d\n", mStudentNumber );


typedef struct Student Student_t;

int main()
    Student_t kimlan = {};
    Student_t* pKimlan = &kimlan;

    printf("��� �л��̸�: ");
    scanf("%s", (*pKimlan).mName );
    printf("��� �л� ����ȣ: ");
    scanf("%s" , pKimlan->mPhoneNumber) ;
    printf("��� �й�: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pKimlan->mStudentNumber));

    // print �� ���� �Ἥ �л��� ������ �ҷΤÿ�
    // ==> �ʹ� ������

    //�Լ��� ���뼺 + ����ü ��� �Լ� method ����


    Student_t park = {};
    Student_t* pPark = &park;

    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �л��̸�: ");
    scanf("%s", (*pPark).mName );
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �л� ����ȣ: ");
    scanf("%s" , pPark->mPhoneNumber) ;
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �й�: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pPark->mStudentNumber) );

    // print �� ���� �Ἥ �л��� ������ �ҷΤÿ�
    // ==> �ʹ� ������

    //�Լ��� ���뼺 + ����ü ��� �Լ� method ����


    return 0;

/* ����2�� ����
#include <stdio.h>

struct Student
    // ��� or �������
    char mName[20];
    int mKor;
    int mMath;
    int mSci;

    void ShowInfo()
        printf("name: %s\n", mName);
        printf("korean: %d\n", mKor);
        printf("math: %d\n", mMath);
        printf("science: %d\n", mSci);

    // ��ȯ�ڷ��� �Լ��� (�Ű��ڷ��� �Ű�������)

    int sum(void)
        return mKor + mMath + mSci;

    float avg(void)
        return (float)sum() / 3;

}; typedef struct Student Student_t;

int main()
    Student_t kimlan = {};
    Student_t* pKimlan =  &kimlan;

    printf("��� �л��̸�: ");
    scanf("%s", pKimlan->mName );
    printf("��� �����: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pKimlan->mKor) );
    printf("��� �����: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pKimlan->mMath) );
    printf("��� �����: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pKimlan->mSci) );

    // print�� ���� �ᷯ �л��� ������ �ҷչ� ������

    //�Լ��� ���뼺 + ����ü ��� �Լ�(method) ����

    printf("sum: %d\n", pKimlan->sum());
    printf("avg: %.2lf\n", pKimlan->avg());

    Student_t park = {};
    Student_t* pPark =  &park;

    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �л��̸�: ");
    scanf("%s", pPark->mName );
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �����: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pPark->mKor) );
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ ���м���: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pPark->mMath) );
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ ���м���: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pPark->mSci) );

    // print�� ���� �ᷯ �л��� ������ �ҷչ� ������

    //�Լ��� ���뼺 + ����ü ��� �Լ�(method) ����

    printf("sum: %d", pPark->sum());
    printf("avg: %.2lf", pPark->avg());

    return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int* pInteger = NULL;
    size_t uSize;
    scanf("%zu", &uSize );

    //���� �޸� �Ҵ� �Լ� �ñ״�ó
    //void* malloc(size_t size);
    //���� �޸� ���� �Լ� �ñ״�ó
    //void free(void* pMemoryBlock);

    //1. �޸� �Ҵ� �Լ� malloc()�� ���� ���ϴ� �޸� ũ�⸦ ���ڰ����� ����.
      //  1-1. ��ȯ�� void*�� ���� ���ϴ� ������ �ڷ������� type casting.
      //  1-2. �˸��� ������ �ڷ����� ������ ����.
   // 2. �޷θ� ���� �Լ� free()�� �����Ҵ�� �޸��� �����ּҸ� ���ڰ����� ����.
    //    2-1. �̿��� ����� �����ϱ� ���ؼ� �޸� ������ �����ּҿ� NULL�� ����

    pInteger = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*) * uSize);

    if( pInteger != NULL )
        //���� �ʿ��� �޸� ũ�⸸ŭ ���� �Ҵ�� �޸��� ���� �ּ� pInteger�� Ȱ��

    pInteger = NULL;

    return 0;

/* ���� �������� �� �𸣰ڴ�
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int*pInteger = NULL;
    size_t uSize;
    printf("How many memories do you want?");
    scanf("%zu", &uSize );
    pInteger = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*) * uSize ) ;

    if( NULL != pInteger )
        printf("Success to memory allocation. Please input data\n ");

        for( size_t i = 0;i < uSize; ++i)
            scanf("%d", (pInteger + i));

            // PInteger  + i ��� ������ ������ �� ������ ��� �迭�� ������ ������ ������
            // �ٸ�, �迭�� ������ �޸� ����, �� ���α׷��� ������� �츮�ų� ���� ��  �ִ�.
            // ������ �޸𸮰����� ���� �ּ��� Pinteger�� ���α׷��� ������� �츮�ų� (malloc) Ȥ�� ���� �� ����(free())
        printf("Print data. \n");
        for( size_t i = 0;i < uSize; ++i)
            printf("%d", *(pInteger + i));
    pInteger = NULL;

    return 0;

/* SUCCESS ���� ����
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct Human
    char mName[20];
    int mAge;
    double mHeight;
    double mWeight;

    void ShowInfo()
        printf("name: %s\n", mName);
        printf("age: %d\n", mAge);
        printf("height: %.2lfcm\n", mHeight);
        printf("weight: %.2lfkg\n", mWeight);

    double GetBMI()
        double heightInMeter = mHeight / 100;
        double bmi = mWeight / ( heightInMeter * heightInMeter );
        return bmi;

};typedef struct Human Human_t;

int main()
    Human_t* pHumans = NULL;
    size_t uSize;
    printf("%zu", &uSize );
    pHumans = (Human_t*)malloc(sizeof(Human_t*) * uSize);

    if( NULL != pHumans)
        printf("Success to memory allocation. Please input data\n");
        for( size_t i = 0; i < uSize; ++i )
            scanf("%s", (pHumans + i)->mName );
            scanf("%d", &((pHumans + i)->mAge) );
            scanf("%lf", &((pHumans + i)->mHeight) );
            scanf("%lf", &((pHumans + i)->mWeight) );

        printf("\n\nPrint data.\n");

        for(size_t i= 0 ; i < uSize; ++i )
            (pHumans + i)->ShowInfo();
             printf("\tbmi: %.2lf\n", (pHumans + i)->GetBMI() );

    pHumans = NULL;

    return 0;
��ü ���� ���α׷���(Object Oriented Programming)
        Def) ��ü�� û����, ����, DNA���� ����
        Note) ����ü�� ���� ���� -> Ŭ������ ���(Member)
                               ��ü�� �Ӽ�/����
              ����ü�� �Լ�     -> Ŭ������ �޼���(Method or ����Լ� )
                                ��ü�� ����/�ൿ
    ����ü�� ���� �Ҵ�(malloc()) - > Ŭ������ ������(Constructor)
    ����ü�� �޸� ����(free())  - >Ŭ������ �Ҹ��� (Destructor)

/* 2ȸ�� ��
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

class Human
public: // ���� ������
    char mName[];
    int mAge;
    double mHeight;
    double mWeight;

    // ������, �� �޸� �����Ҵ��� ����
    Human(char* name, int age, double height, double weight)
        mAge = age;
        mHeight = height;
        mWeight = weight;

    // �Ҹ��� �� �޸� �Ҵ��� ����
       strcpy("mName" , "\0\0");
       mAge = 0;
       mHeight = 0.;
       mWeight = 0.;

   void ShowInfo(void)
       printf("name: %s\n", mName );
       printf("age: %d\n", mAge );
       printf("height: %.2lfcm\n", mHeight );
       printf("weight: %.2lfkg\n", mWeight );
   double GetBMI(void)
       double heightInMeter = mHeight / 100;
       double bmi =  mWeight / ( heightInMeter * heightInMeter );
       return bmi;

int main()
    Human kimlan = Human("KimLan\0" , 28, 150.0, 80.0); // ~= kimlan = malloc();
    //kimlan�� Human Ŭ������ ��ü

    kimlan.ShowInfo();// Human Ŭ������ ��ü kimlan�� �޼��� SHOWINFO() ȣ��
    printf("bmi: %.2lf" , kimlan.GetBMI());  // Human Ŭ������ ��ü kimlan��  �޼��� GETbmi() ȣ��

    return 0; // main�� ����
              //  -> main()�� �������� �Ҹ�
              // -> "�ڵ�����" �Ҹ��ڰ� ȣ���. ~= free(kimlan);

/* 3ȸ�� ����
#include <stdio.h>

struct Student
    char mName[20];
    char mPhoneNumber[20];
    int mStudentNumber;

    void ShowInfo(void)
        printf("name: %s\n", mName );
        printf("phone number: %s\n", mPhoneNumber );
        printf("student number: %d\n", mStudentNumber );

typedef struct Student Student_t;

int main()
    Student_t kimlan = {};
    Student_t* pKimlan = &kimlan;

    printf("��� �л��̸�: ");
    scanf("%s", (*pKimlan).mName );
    printf("��� �л� ����ȣ: ");
    scanf("%s", pKimlan->mPhoneNumber );
    printf("��� �й�: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pKimlan->mStudentNumber) );

    // printf()�� ���� �Ἥ �л��� ������ �ҷ��� ==>�ʹ� ������
    // �Լ��� ���뼺 + ����ü ��� �Լ� ����

    Student_t park = {};
    Student_t* pPark = &park;

    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �л��̸�: ");
    scanf("%s", (*pPark).mName );
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �л� ����ȣ: ");
    scanf("%s", pPark->mPhoneNumber );
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �й�: ");
    scanf("%d", &(pPark->mStudentNumber) );

    // printf()�� ���� �Ἥ �л��� ������ �ҷ��� ==>�ʹ� ������
    return 0;

#include <stdio.h>

struct Student
    // ��� or ��� ����
    char mName[20];
    int mKor;
    int mMath;
    int mSci;

    //�޼��� or ��� �Լ�
    void ShowInfo()
        printf("name: %s\n", mName);
        printf("korean: %d\n", mKor);
        printf("math: %d\n", mMath);
        printf("science: %d\n", mSci);

    //��ȯ �ڷ��� �Լ��� (�Ű� �ڷ��� �Ű� ������ )

    int sum()
        return mKor + mMath + mSci;

    float avg()
        return (float)sum() / 3;

};typedef struct Student Student_t;

int main()
    Student_t kimlan = {};
    Student_t* pKimlan = &kimlan;

    printf("��� �л� �̸�: ");
    scanf("%s" , pKimlan->mName);
    printf("��� ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d" , &pKimlan->mKor);
    printf("��� ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d" , &pKimlan->mMath);
    printf("��� ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d" , &pKimlan->mSci );

    // print()�� ���� ���Ἥ ������ ���뼺+ ����ü ��� �Լ� ����;

    printf("sum: %d\n", pKimlan->sum() );
    printf("avg: %.2lf\n\n\n", pKimlan->avg() );

    Student_t park = {};
    Student_t* pPark = &park;

    printf("�ڰ�ȣ �л� �̸�: ");
    scanf("%s" , pPark->mName);
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d" , &pPark->mKor);
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d" , &pPark->mMath);
    printf("�ڰ�ȣ ���� ����: ");
    scanf("%d" , &pPark->mSci );

    // print()�� ���� ���Ἥ ������ ���뼺+ ����ü ��� �Լ� ����;

    printf("sum: %d\n", pPark->sum() );
    printf("avg: %.2lf\n\n\n", pPark->avg() );

    return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int* pInteger = NULL;
    size_t uSize;
    scanf("%zu", &uSize );

   // ���� �޸� �Ҵ� �Լ� �ñ״�ó
   //     void* malloc(size_t size);
   // ���� �޸� ���� �Լ� �ñ״�ó
   //     void free(void* pMemoryBlock);

   // 1. �޸� �Ҵ� �Լ�  malloc()�� ���� ���ϴ� �޸� ũ�⸦ ���ڰ����� ����
   //     1-1. ��ȯ�� void*�� ���� ���ϴ� ������ �ڷ������� type casting.
   //     1-2. �˸��� ������ �ڷ����� ������ ����.
   // 2. �޷θ� ���� �Լ� free()�� �����Ҵ�� �޸��� �����ּҸ� ���ڰ����� ���� .
   //     2-1. �̿��� ����� �����ϱ� ���ؼ� �޸� ������ ���� �ּҸ� null�� ����.

    pInteger = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*) * uSize );

    if( NULL != pInteger )
      //  "���� �ʿ��� " �޸� ũ�� ��ŭ �Ҵ�� �޸��� ���� �ּ� pInteger�� Ȱ��
    pInteger = NULL;

    return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int* pInteger = NULL;
    size_t uSize;
    printf("How many memories do you want?");
    scanf("%zu", &uSize );
    pInteger = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int*) * uSize );

    if( NULL != pInteger )
        printf("Success to memory allocation. Please input data\n");

        for( size_t i = 0; i < uSize; ++i)
            scanf("%d" , (pInteger + i));
           // "pInteger + i ��� ���� ������ �� ������ ��� �迭�� ������ ������ ������   "
        //�ٸ� �迭�� ������ �޸� ���� �� ���α׷��� ������� �츮�ų� ���� �� ����.  �� �Լ��� �����ų� ���α׷��� ������ ��
           // ������ �޸� ������ �����ּ��� pInteger�� ���α׷��� ������� �츮�ų�(malloc()) Ȥ�� ����(free()) ����
        printf("Print data.\n");
        for(size_t i = 0; i < uSize; ++i )
            printf("%d",  *(pInteger + i));
    pInteger = NULL;

    return 0;
/* bmi ���� !
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct Human
    char mName[20];
    int mAge;
    double mHeight;
    double mWeight;

    void ShowInfo()
        printf("name: %s\n", mName );
        printf("age: %d\n", mAge );
        printf("height: %.2lfcm\n", mHeight );
        printf("weight: %.2lfkg\n", mWeight );

    double GetBMI()
        double heightInMeter =  mHeight / 100;
        double bmi = mWeight / (  heightInMeter * heightInMeter );
        return bmi;

typedef struct Human Human_t;

int main()
    Human_t* pHumans = NULL; // ~= Human_t pHuman[uSize];
    size_t uSize;
    printf("How many people do you want?");
    scanf("%zu", &uSize );
    pHumans = (Human_t*)malloc(sizeof(Human_t*) * uSize);

    if( NULL != pHumans)
        printf("Success to memory allocation. Please input data\n");
        for( size_t i = 0; i < uSize; ++i)
            scanf("%s", (pHumans + i)->mName );
            scanf("%d", &((pHumans + i)->mAge) );
            scanf("lf", &((pHumans + i)->mHeight) );
            scanf("lf", &((pHumans + i)->mWeight) );

        printf("\n\nPrint data.\n");
        for(size_t i = 0; i < uSize; ++i)
            (pHumans + i)->ShowInfo();
            printf("\tbmi: %.2lf\n" , (pHumans + i)->GetBMI());
    pHumans = NULL;

    return 0;
��ü���� ���α׷���
    ����ü (Structure) -> Ŭ���� (class)
        Def) ��ü�� û����, ����, DNA ���� ����
        Note) �������� ��������  -> Ŭ������ ���(member)
                                ��ü�� �Ӽ� /����
              ����ü�� �Լ�     -> Ŭ������ �޼���
                                ��ü�� ���� /�ൿ
        ����ü�� �����Ҵ�(malloc()) -> Ŭ������ ������(constructor)
        ����ü�� �޸�����(free())  -> Ŭ������ �Ҹ���(destructor)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

class Human
public: // ���� ������
    char mName[20];
    int mAge;
    double mHeight;
    double mWeight;

    // ������ �� �޸� �����Ҵ��� ����
    Human(char* name, int age, double height, double weight)
        strcpy(mName , name);
        mAge  = age;
        mHeight = height;
        mWeight = weight;
    // �Ҹ��� �� �޸��Ҵ��� ���� ����
        strcpy( mName, "\0\0");
        mAge = 0;
        mHeight = 0;
        mWeight = 0;
    void ShowInfo()
        printf("name: %s\n",mName );
        printf("age: %d\n",mAge );
        printf("height: %.2lfcm\n",mHeight );
        printf("weight: %.2lfkg\n",mWeight );


    double GetBMI()
        double heightInMeter = mHeight / 100;
        double bmi = mWeight / ( heightInMeter  * heightInMeter  );
        return bmi;


int main()
    Human kimlan = Human("KimLan\0" , 28, 150.0, 80.0); // ~= kimlan = malloc();
    // kimlan�� HumanŬ������ ��ü

    kimlan.ShowInfo(); // human Ŭ������ ��ü kimlan�� �޼��� showinfo()ȣ�� ��
    printf("bmi: %.2lf", kimlan.GetBMI() ); // Human Ŭ������ ��ü kimlan��  �޼��� getbmi() ȣ�߸�

    return 0;
    //main() ����
    //main�� �������� �Ҹ�
    //�������� kimlan�� �Ҹ�
    //�ڵ����� �Ҹ��ڰ� ȣ��� ~= free(kimlan)


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